Monday, October 31, 2011

a zombie

setting: on a night bus, the saturday night before the halloween on monday
character: a male make-up artist, 34 years old (Z)

tm: wow, if it were not to be the halloween weekend, I'd have thought that blood was real.
Z: yeah, I did it myself. This is my kit.

tm: how do you make the fake blood on your face?
Z: I used syrup and change the color a bit so it looks more like real blood, especially when it dries up.

tm: how do you make it so real?
Z: you just have to play with it. I play and experiment with colors a lot.

tm: I see, so you learn by experience.. you are a make-up artist then?
Z: yeah, I used to be a different zombie everyday. This is my business card. I had it on my forehead earlier, but the rain stripped it off (what he meant was he had it stick on his forehead in such a way that it looks like the business card was cutting through it). I used to do the "metrocard man" make up where I had a few metro cards cutting through my face.

 tm: it seems like you are very good at it! How did you started with this?
Z: do you know the library in (i forgot).... I used to stay there all the time as a kid. I keep reading and reading all about special effects, and everything art-related. I love playing with colors. And when my mom asked what I was doing, I told her "I'm turning my toys into zombies and santa claus!" I love art. I also do a little bit of acting, modeling, and martial arts.

tm: how did you turn it into a business?
Z: I turned myself into different zombie everyday then walk around on the street. There was this one time I was a zombie playing basket ball in central park, and people started gathering around and asking. Another time, I was a standing still in a wax museum, pretending I was texting. A lady stopped by and took a picture of me. I turned toward her and said "thank you" then she dropped on the floor panicking. I thought she knew I was real. I didn't know I'd scare her. Sometimes, I'm a wounded person rolling on the floor. But I stopped making bruises and bullet holes because the paramedic guys and the cops keep asking. There was this one time where a paramedic guy insisted on getting me into his ambulance, seeing my bleeding wounds and bruises. I told him it wasn't real, and he didn't believe me, so I had to peel it off.

tm: wow! how long you've been doing this?
Z: hmmmmm 17 years. I'm 34 now.

tm: so you've been doing this half of your life?
Z: yeah, and I'm not bored of it at all. I don't do the same make-up twice. I come up with something new every time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

a girlfriend's boyfriend

Setting: at work
Character: a 26 years old male, caucasian, who's currently having a girlfriend (A)

tm: do you think you love her more than she loves you?
A: love is a strong word and no
tm: interesting that you don't see it as love. Have you ever loved anyone then?
A: I don't know what it is so I can't say yes or no
tm: Do you love your mom and dad?
A: just my mom

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a daughter's dad

setting: in a bazaar Tibetan store
character: white male, 45ish, looking around with his daughter (W)

W: There was that one time when my car got hit from the back. I was fine, however. So i stepped out of the car, and came to see if the person in the other car was ok. The girl was about 17, and she was shaking. She was so scared.  I kept telling her everything was ok and tried to calm her down. We got along so well that even the police asked if we were related... I got it from my mother. Whenever i broke something, she would first ask if i was ok. She didn't care about what I just broke.
tm: yeah, my dad is the same! You seem to be a very calm and kind-hearted person! There shouldn't be any road rage if everyone could be like you!
W: ..or any wars. People these days even get mad because they have to wait too long for the elevators. So it wasn't hard to understand why they keep fighting against one another.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a rabbi & a jewish lady

setting: late afternoon, hard rain, school's yard
character: a rabbi, grilling burgers and hot dogs for the chabad, then a 25ish Jewish lady

tm: what does chabad mean?
rabbi: it means wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
tm: i heard it's difficult to become Jewish?
rabbi: you don't necessarily need to be Jewish to follow Jewish faith. Anyone can follow Jewish faith.
tm: but let say if i wanna marry a Jewish guy, and i don't wanna convert, then i won't be able to marry him. In that case, becoming Jewish is necessary, and not being Jewish becomes a barrier to my relationship.
rabbi: well, you can't really marry a person of a different soul. The core of being Jewish is the soul. A man and a woman are supposed to be from one unique entity. But the entity has been divided so that one can experience different aspects of life. And when they got married, they trust God that they have found their other half. And so they are supposed to be from the same soul.
tm: so what's your definition of being a Jew?
rabbi: God created the whole world, and Jews are the fundamental part of it. It doesn't mean Jews are better than others, it's a privilege to be the chosen people.
tm: so according to your rabbi, anyone can believe in Jewish faith, but it is difficult to actually become a Jew because being a Jew is characterized by the soul, and you can't really change a soul.
G: well, you can still convert but not necessarily be accepted by everyone. It's a long process to become a Jew and accepted by all.
tm: i personally haven't seen Jews who are Asian or African. Have you?
G: I have a friend who's half Japanese and she's Jewish. I have also seen African Jews. But yeah, there's not a lot of them.
tm: on a genetic standpoint, since Jewish community is quite a close community, do you feel worried about genetic defects?
G: there was a time in Eastern Europe where the community became really small, and when they expanded from that small group, there was lots of birth defects. But i don't think it's gonna be a problem now since the Jewish community has become quite large.

Monday, September 5, 2011

random strangers

setting: living room
character: a person owning a white Lamborghini and a full bedroom to store his 30ish guitar collection
A: i've been engaged 3 times, one around 20, one around 30, and one in my 40
tm: why didn't they work out for you?
A: i thought they would change when i give them the ring, but they didn't. At some point, I even had to sell all my guitars because she didn't like it.
tm: probably she was jealous because you spent more time with your guitars then with her.. well, now you know you can't change a person.
A: yeah, i've learned it well.

setting: a raining afternoon, at the train station exit on 60th st and lexington ave
character: an African street vendor of umbrellas
tm: how do you know it's the right person? There's might be a chance I'll be very unhappy if i were to be with the wrong person.
B: you look into his eyes and see that his eyes only see you. If you find that person who sees only you, you will be the happiest.

setting: Latino night club, loud music
character: an African-American, about 40ish

tm: why aren't you dancing?
C: i'm a people watcher. And it's been a great night.
tm: how do you know it's been a great night or not when you just sit here?
C: it's all about the atmosphere. And tonight's atmosphere has been great!
tm: what do you do during the day?
C: i only sleep
tm: well, in that case, either you're a millionaire or jobless.
C: can i buy you a drink?
tm: no thanks, i'll be drunk if i get another one. But since you're having the money to pay for my drink, i'm thinking of a third possibility where you have some money but don't care much about your future.
C: i care very much about my future.
tm: hmm.. in that case, there's a higher chance you could be very rich then
C: so can i buy you a drink now?
tm: it's still the same answer whether you're rich or not. I can't get drunk.
C: but you have your friends there to protect you.
tm: you can't count on no one but yourself.
C: would you like to dance?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

a homeless man

setting: on a night train - noisy 
character: an old, unusual homeless man with no belonging, nor unpleasant smell (H)

the old man just finished the bag of leftover food given to him by an Asian, tourist couple

tm: would you like some bread?
H: (smile) thank you, but I'm full now. God bless you!
tm: God bless you too (smile)
H: I wish I had a daughter like you
tm: You don't have a daughter?
H: I had. But she passed away. My kids were crossing the street. And a car (imitating moving sound) ... all of them.. We never had a private conversation. I didn't take care of them. My son would be 21 years old now if he were to be still alive.
tm: i'm sorry
H: it's been a long time ago. You should depend on no one but yourself. I have my faith now.
tm: is there anything you regret so far?
H: regret!? no
tm: where is your wife?
H: she's in Puerto Rico. I was there for four years.
tm: why aren't you with her?
H: Because my life has always been here ever since I was 16.... (non-understandable talking due to outside noise of a running train)....Where is your boyfriend?
tm: boyfriend? I don't have one! probably it's not time yet!
H: it's never too soon for love! you have to grab it or it will pass you by.
tm: i'll try to remember that
H: when you love someone, you gotta be faithful. Being unfaithful is a sin.... (very long non-understandable talking again)
tm: sorry, I gotta get off here. It was very nice talking to you!
(the train is about to close the door)
H: hurry up, this way! i enjoyed talking to you too. God bless you!